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How Chrysin Helps in Balancing the Hormones
Man Boobs (Gynecomastia): How Chrysin Helps in Balancing the Hormones

Chrysin and man boobs have been linked together as this naturally occurring isoflavone is being used more and more to rid oneself of this problem. The term ‘Man Boobs,’ is one that is used to describe a man with excessively enlarged breast tissue. As the term suggests, ‘man boobs’ do closely resemble women’s breasts in their appearance, and having them can certainly lower a man’s self-esteem.

All too often, men with enlarged breasts, or ‘man boobs,’ will avoid certain activities, such as swimming and other outdoor activities that may require them to be shirtless. Many men will even partake in stringent diets and exercise in attempts to rid themselves of their ‘man boobs.’ Sadly, however, when it comes to ‘man boobs,’ diet and exercise are not generally the problems. In most instances, ‘man boobs’ stem from a hormonal imbalance. Most likely, they are the result of an imbalance between one’s testosterone and estrogen levels. The problem generally stems from not enough testosterone and too much estrogen.

Chrysin DIM Estrogen Blocker and Aromatase Inhibitor

Chrysin and Man Boobs and Hormonal Balancing

This is where Chrysin and ‘man boobs’ are now linked, as we said earlier. Chrysin lessens the conversion of testosterone to either estrogen or DHT (dihydrotestosterone). Chrysin is an aromatase inhibitor (meaning it inhibits the synthesis of estrogen) that has been shown to effectively increase testosterone and lower estrogen levels, providing hormonal balancing. Fortunately today, with Chrysin with DIM, correcting the testosterone-estrogen hormone balance is now possible. Chrysin with DIM works against aromatization, which is the subsequent production of estrogen after a rise in testosterone, thereby balancing testosterone and estrogen levels.

In addition to regulating testosterone and estrogen levels, by using Chrysin on a regular basis, the enlargement of the breast tissue in men has been shown to decrease. Additionally, Chrysin is widely used by bodybuilders to help increase muscle mass. What this means is that men can turn those ‘man boobs’ into more appealing ‘pecs.’

Purchase Chrysin Max Natural Aromatase Inhibitor today to begin turning your ‘man boobs’ into pec muscles.

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